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Food Availability and Selection: Changing Diet of Australians

Year 11 2 Unit Food Technology


Australian cuisine has come a long way since 1788, from cook to celebrity chef, tucker to dukkah. Nutritionist Nicole Senior looks at our evolution into a modern, multicultural food nation.

SBS Food


Australian Government

Australia has a rich variety of foods and drinks, adopted and adapted since colonisation and developed as part of a multi-cultural society. What was once new and foreign has been transformed with new ingredients and styles into distinctly Australian food.

You Tube

This is a personal memory of Australian food & cuisine and is not meant to be an official history. 
My recollection of the food we ate when I was growing up is that it was pretty bland. It wasn't really until the late 60's and the 70's that the food culture in Australia began to change. Australian food may have started out as rather uninspiring but as time has gone on, our taste has changed and matured. Now when it comes to food in Australia we've become adventurous, colourful, unique and even passionate!

Australia is a country of many cultures, each of whom brings their own flavour to the Australian way of life. This story illustrates the way food is contributing to Australian diversity.

National Geographic

A look at what cooking Australian cuisine means and how it's changed over the years.

Australian Food History Timeline

The timeline expanded and now traces the history of Australian food since white settlement in 1788, with a glance at what came before. Entries are by decade; scroll down and use the Load More button, use the menu to jump to a decade, or search for a specific topic.