This transformation of the Asia Pacific region in the wake of World War II was profound, with the Pacific victor, the United States, taking a direct hand in reforming Japan under a new, hastily drafted constitution. The expanding and often contentious American - Japanese relationship included the ambiguous roles of conqueror and conquered. Meanwhile, the revolution in China combined with the beginning of the cold war in Asia, substantially altered America's expectations of Japan and vice versa.
The rebuilding of Japan after WW2.
During WW2, Japan was a military dictatorship bent on conquering Asia. Now, it's best known abroad for salary men and anime. In a few short years, some massive changes took place.
Nazi Germany always seems to be our go-to villain whenever we depict World War 2, despite the fact that Imperial Japan killed just as many people. Japan also seems to be portrayed as a victim of the war rather than one of the main aggressors. Why is that?
From 1952 to 1973 Japan experienced accelerated economic growth and social change. By 1952 Japan had at last regained its prewar industrial output. Thereafter, the economy expanded at unprecedented rates