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Australian Scientists: Australian Scientists

Year 7 Science

Finding Resources in Accessit


Here are some books that you may find useful during your studies.  Search the Bennies catalogue Accessit for more, or browse the Non-fiction collection NFS.

The Famous People

List of famous Australian Scientists with their biographies that include trivia, interesting facts, timeline and life history.

ABC News

Three Australian scientists you've never heard of who changed the world- The inventor of television, a pioneering radio astronomer, and the man who discovered lithium — their names are virtually unknown, and yet their works and discoveries changed the face of science forever.

Meet the ABC's Top 5 scientists for 2018

Women and Girls in Science


Mary Sherman Morgan – Rocket Girl- The fuel that launched America’s first artificial satellite was formulated by a woman – “the best-kept secret in the space race”.


The fight to eradicate malaria- The lowlands of Papua New Guinea’s north coast have been a flashpoint in the shattering contest of mosquito versus human throughout history. 


Time to speed up coral evolution?-Marine scientists have a controversial plan to save them.

History of Scientific Women

You will find the bibliographies of female scientists from Antiquity to 21th century presented by alphabetic order, by period, by field or randomly selected as below. Enjoy reading!

You Tube


Science and Technology Australia

Meet 30 of Australia's best and brightest  female STEM superstars. 

Today, 30 brilliant minds were recognised for their work and passion for increasing the visibility of women in science. There’s women working and researching robotics, the science of cider, computers, rare insects, mummies, brains and ground-breaking chemistry, among other fascinating discoveries.

Science Struck

Australia, popularly called 'The Land Down Under', is famous for several reasons―kangaroos, koala bears, the Great Barrier Reef, stunning beaches, great infrastructure, Steve Irwin, cricket, and delectable cuisine, to name a few. Leaving these reasons aside, there is another very important factor that adds to Australia's popularity―its list of scientists and their amazing contributions.

Famous Australian Scientists

While nations like United States, United Kingdom, Germany, and Sweden rules the roost when it comes to producing the highest number of scientists, country like Australia with relatively small population hasn’t done too badly for itself, making a remarkable number of important inventions in the last 200 years. Not to forget, down south has given the world extraordinary scientists and inventors like Elizabeth Blackwell, Dorothy Hill, Graeme Clark, Frank Fenner and more. Read the biographies to learn all about the timelines, life stories and interesting trivia & facts related to the lives of some of the most famous Australian scientists.

Australian Academy of Science


Conversations with australian Scientists. In these interviews, outstanding Australian scientists talk about their early life, development of interest in science, mentors, research work and other aspects of their careers. 

SBS Australia

Meet 6 impressive Aussie women scientists

The UN General Assembly has declared 11 February as a date when women's scientific contributions will be actively celebrated across the globe, hopefully leading to further gender equality and empowerment of women in science.

Antarctic Division

The Australian Antarctic Division employs approximately 70 scientific staff and some 60 associated research, technical and administrative support staff. These profiles provide a snap-shot of the research teams working in the areas of Antarctic and Southern Ocean climate and ecosystems, and environmental protection and change.

ABC Education

Meet five young Australian scientists who want to change the world.

NSW Government

Meet 6 women environmental scientists working in threatened species conservation