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Biotechnology: CRAAP Test

Year 10 Science

Website Evaluation- What to Look For.


Information Literacy Skills Process

Steps in the process:

  • What is my purpose?
  • Why do I need to find this out?
  • What are the key words and ideas of the task?
  • What do I need to do?


"In completing the research project I have":

  • understood the criteria and the requirement of the project 
  • brainstormed the topic
  • selected keywords
  • listed the points that need covering
  • created a concept map and identified the links between various aspects of the topic
  • created focus question – sub headings
  • created and followed a schedule set out in a timeline
  • asked questions
  • considered availability of resources
  • type of research process required survey/ interview/ literature review /experiment/ qualitative/quantitative /meta-analysis

Steps in the process:

  • What do I already know?
  • What do I still need to find out?
  • What sources and equipment can I use?


"In completing the research project I have":

  • considered a variety of  resources
    • reference books /encyclopedia/ dictionary/ almanacs/ atlas /directory 
    • non fiction books /general books which have a section on the topic/ specific books on the topic/text books
    • periodical and newspaper articles / editorial/ feature story 
    • electronic databases such as the Australian New Zealand Reference Centre
    • Internet / search engines / URL’s containing uni. gov. edu. org. au
    • AV/ documentaries, podcasts
    • people / organizations/ experts/ interviews/ surveys/observation
  • used search tools to locate information – catalogue, keyword search, Boolean search, reference desk, index / contents page/ asking clearly defined question 

Steps in the process:

  • What information can I leave out?
  • How relevant is the information I have found?
  • How credible is the information I have found?
  • How will I record the information I need?


"In completing the research project I have selected":

  • reliable resources
    •  authoritative/current/ bias and purpose identified 
  • resources appropriate to the project
    • covers the topic in appropriate depth and breath
    • provides the required type of information for project - fact/ opinion/ primary/ secondary / visuals / audio/ quotes/ statistics/ graphs /surveys

Steps in the process:

  • Have I enough information for my purpose?
  • Do I need to use all this information?
  • How can I best combine information from different sources?


"In completing the research project I have":

  • sorted information into categories
  • taken notes in own words
  • quoted accurately
  • accurately taken bibliographic details  
  • drafted and edited ensuring information was relevant to the original question/ criteria

Steps in the process:

  • What will I do with this information?
  • With whom will I share this information?


"In completing the research project I have":

  • considered the purpose of the presentation – to educate/entertain/persuade
  • considered the audience – age/existing knowledge/culture/special needs
  • communicated using the most appropriate medium for the task and audience/webpage/powerpoint.
  • Presented information concisely and accurately
  • presented information in an appropriate form /essay /report/narrative/submission
  • taken into account different learning styles/visual/auditory/kinesthetic…
  • included reference / bibliography

Steps in the process:

  • Did I fulfill my purpose?
  • How did I go - with each step of the information process?
  • How did I go - presenting the information?
  • Where do I go from here?


"In completing the research project I have":

  • analyzed how effectively each stage of the research process was conducted
  • identified research skills needing improvement
  • analyzed how effective the final product was in meeting the set task / criteria
  • considered the limitations of the research  methodology
  • considered the quality and validity of the information gathered
  • taken into consideration feedback from teacher/audience

CRAAP Analysis

Where is my URL from?