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PDHPE- Year 12 HSC: Health Priorities in Australia


Finding Resources in Oliver

Here are some books that you may find useful during your studies.  Search the Bennies catalogue Oliver for more, or browse the Non-fiction collection NFS...

You Tube Channel

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Mental Health Services Australia

Mental health services in Australia provides a picture of the national response of the health and welfare service system to the mental health care needs of Australians.


Despite the best intentions, Indigenous life span and health expectancies are still significantly lower than the national average. For those aged 65 years or above, access to health services can also provide challenges. Why do these differences exist, and what can we do about them? This excellent program examines the forces that shape health needs and inequities, and the strategy, directions and actions that Australia's health services employ in an effort to bridge the gap. Featuring experts, patients and practitioners, this is a detailed and timely look at this important health issue.


In Australia, we're well educated about health risks yet our government spends millions each year treating preventable diseases. This program provides a detailed overview of health promotion in today's society. The Ottawa Charter Framework for health promotion is explored as a contributing factor to improved health outcomes for various groups in Australia. Each chapter provides a unique perspective of how to improve the health of individuals, as well as preventative measures such as immunisation and cancer screening. The program's practical approach looks at how the strategies are implemented, the target audience and the impact it has in individual behaviour and outcomes.



Examines the reasons why Australians have one of the best health standards in the world, with dramatically increased life expectancy rates.

N.S.W Department of Health


N.S.W HSC Online

Australian Bureau of Statisics


Australian Institute of Health and Welfare

Cancer Council Australia