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Research Action Plan (Sustainability): Transport

Year 10 Elective Geography

UN Sustainable Goals

The role of transport in sustainable development was first recognized at the 1992 United Nation’s Earth Summit and reinforced in its outcome document – Agenda 21

Climate Council

The Climate Council is campaigning for clean, sustainable transport – here’s why

BBC Bitesize

For thousands of years, people have found clever ways to make travel quicker and easier. But some of these ways of travelling are damaging our planet.


We must re-think urban transport to build sustainable cities. See how UNDP and the Global Environment Facility help countries to develop sustainable transport solutions to reduce air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions in cities across the world.

There are about 1.3 billion vehicles in the world today and this figure is expected to grow to 2 billion by year 2050. So how can we make sure our increasing travel needs are sustainable in the long run? In this episode of ‘SUTD Explains’, Associate Professor Lynette Cheah from SUTD’s Engineering Systems and Design shares with us insights into her research on sustainable transportation and what we can do at an individual level to make a difference.


All across Paris, streets that used to be choked with traffic and pollution have been converted to bike paths and protected lanes. Riverside highways have been converted to cafes, playgrounds, and even beaches. Streets that used to be filled with parked cars are now full of trees and bike parking. So what’s going on in Paris and what can cities around the world learn from this massive project?


Developing sustainable transport solutions, whether it is for public or private use, is an important part of ensuring countries meet environmental goals amid growing concerns about climate change. It is important to start the conversation by defining sustainable transport.

Transport NSW

We are working to make NSW a better place to live, work and visit by connecting people and communities though a safe, reliable, and sustainable transport system.

World Rescource Institute

Post-pandemic, Public Transport Needs to Get Back on Track to Meet Global Climate Goals