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Water in the World 2023: Water Scarcity

Year 7 Geography

Resources in Accessit

Here are some books that you may find useful during your studies.  Search the Bennies catalogue Accessit for more, or browse the Non-fiction collection NFS..

World Wildlife Fund


Water covers 70% of our planet, and it is easy to think that it will always be plentiful. However, freshwater—the stuff we drink, bathe in, irrigate our farm fields with—is incredibly rare.

World Water Council

"There is a water crisis today. But the crisis is not about having too little water to satisfy our needs. It is a crisis of managing water so badly that billions of people - and the environment - suffer badly."    World Water Vision Report


Fresh water is essential for life -- and there's not nearly enough of it for the world right now. Why is that, and what could we do? Christiana Z. Peppard lays out the big questions of our global water problem. And no, shorter showers are not the answer.

The water scarcity on the blue planet. Most of us don't even think about water. In order to get it - we just turn on the tap. But for nearly 1 billion people in developing countries, getting access to safe drinking water is not an easy task. This simpleshow explains, why our blue planet lacks water.

Researchers from the University of Twente in the Netherlands mapped the world's water supply. The results weren't reassuring.

Water Scarcity Map

World Water Day

Water 1st International

2.5 billion people worldwide do not have access to clean water and a simple toilet. 5 million people, mostly children under the age of 5, die from water-related illnesses each year.

UN Water

Water scarcity can mean scarcity in availability due to physical shortage, or scarcity in access due to the failure of institutions to ensure a regular supply or due to a lack of adequate infrastructure.

The Water Project

Clean, safe drinking water is scarce. Today, nearly 1 billion people in the developing world don't have access to it. Yet, we take it for granted, we waste it, and we even pay too much to drink it from little plastic bottles.

National Geographic

Humanity is facing a growing challenge of too much water in some places and not enough water in others. This is being driven not just by climate change, but by population and economic growth and poor water management, experts warn.