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Volcanoes and Tectonic Disasters: Annotated Bibliographies

Year 11 Earth and Environmental Science

Library Guide- How to write an Annotated Bibliography


This video is on preparing an annotated bibliography An annotated bibliography is similar to a reference list, however annotated bibliographies include a paragraph of description and evaluation of the resource. Commonly, annotations are 100-200 words in length and the citation is usually not included in the word count. Your annotation will include the: -

Citation -

Description -

Summary -


UNSW- What is an Annotated Bibliography?

An annotated bibliography provides an overview or a brief account of the available research on a given topic. It is a list of research sources that takes the form of a citation for each source, followed by an annotation - a short paragraph sumarising and evaluating the source. An annotated bibliography may be a stand-alone assignment or a component of a larger assignment. 

UNSW- Sample Annotation