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Caring for Country and Place- Resource Management: Good Samaritan & MSB Value of Stewardship

Year 7 Science

Cry of the Earth Cry of the Poor

Our Catholic Social Teaching develops through dialogue with the people, places, and events of history – that is to say, with the ongoing unfolding of the creation story. The physical and biological sciences are obviously important in understanding the ecological crisis, and the fields of economics, policy, and sociology can also help us to understand the dynamics at play. Furthermore, the ancient wisdom of indigenous peoples around the world can help us to recover insights that are not based in the technocratic paradigm.

Laudato Si

On care of our common home. In it, the Pope critiques consumerism and irresponsible development, and laments environmental degradation and global warming. Laudato Si’ is addressed to everyone in the entire world, not just Catholics, and not just Christians. It challenges all of us in our care and stewardship of creation, and calls all people of the world to take “swift and unified global action.

Common Grace

Mick Pope reflects on the Parable of the Good Samaritan as he asks what does it means to love our neighbour in a warming world.

Mount St Benedict College

2021 is the year of Stewardship, focusing on challenging our choices and enriching our legacy.

Pope Francis invites you to the Laudato Si' Action Platform.

Catholic Social Teaching- Stewardship of Creation 

Be the change you want to see, and respond to Laudato Si'. Catholic youth and young leaders responding to Pope Francis' encyclical and helping to care for creation. Leadership + passion + real action, grounded in faith.

Jacqui Remond and Megan Seneque from Catholic Earthcare talk about the importance of water to faith, the future and the idea of bringing truth and reconcilliation into our relationship with the earth.

Mount St Benedict College

In the Bennies year of Stewardship, we are each called to weave our part in the MSB legacy, as we strive to positively impact the people around us and live out our commitment to the environment and our community.

Good Samaritan Sisters

We the Sisters of the Good Samaritan, are religious women whose desire is to seek God. Our spirituality, nourished by the ancient Rule of Benedict and the Good Samaritan parable, is expressed in our commitment to community life, prayer, justice, hospitality and compassionate service. We take seriously Jesus’ Gospel command to go and be neighbours.

Catholic Earth Care

The Catholic Earthcare Australia colour logo is a central cross against four overlapping circles. The cross illustrates Christ’s burning love for his people. The pink circle represents faith, the green circle represents all living things, the brown circle represents the earth, and the blue circle represents the sky and waterways. The overlapping circles represent how faith, all living things, the earth, the sky and the waterways are all connected and grounded by Christ’s love.