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Science- Descriptive Report : Animal Classification

Year 7 Science



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Animal Structure and Classification

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National Geographic

An adaptation is any heritable trait that helps an organism, such as a plant or animal, survive and reproduce in its environment.


The classification system is the arrangement of living things, categorised by their different characteristics - an organised understanding of the natural world we live in. Recently this system has been further refined using studies of DNA. In this programme, we discuss how the classification system is organised and how scientific names are arrived at. The dichotomous keys used by biologists to classify specimens are demonstrated and the five major groups of living things are explained. An entertaining programme that explains how observed characteristics of living things are used to establish a classification system.


All living things are grouped into 5 kingdoms. In this video, we are going to look at the animal kingdom in more detail. There are thought to be over 7.5 million species of animal on planet Earth, of which 900,000 have been described. 



Explanations and examples of different types of organism adaptations, including: structural/physical adaptations, behavioural adaptations and physiological adaptations.

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Descriptive Report

Australian Animal Classification