Here are some books that you may find useful during your studies. Search the Bennies catalogue Oliver for more, or browse the Non-fiction collection NFS..
1.Marine environment: Australian oceans are under threat - not just from global warming -
but also from us.
2.Death of the oceans?: David Attenborough investigates what is happening to our oceans - and whether it is too late to save their remarkable biodiversity.
3.Fish sustainability: Covers topics such as fish ecology, the fishing industry, the decline of the Cod, and sustainability. The ocean is one of Earth's most valuable natural resources. It provides food in the form of fish and shellfish—about 200 billion pounds are caught each year. It's used for transportation—both travel and shipping. It provides a treasured source of recreation for humans. It is mined for minerals (salt, sand, gravel, and some manganese, copper, nickel, iron, and cobalt can be found in the deep sea) and drilled for crude oil.
HERMIONE- Hotspot Ecosystem Research and Man's Impact On European Seas. The marine environment provides us with a lot of resources and services - some which we use everyday, like oil, gas and fish, and some which we don't really think about in everyday life, like climate regulation and waste management.