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Ancient Archiology: Ancient Ireland

Year 9 Elective History




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Irish Castles


Joanna Pierce looks at the importance of castles in consolidating the Norman presence in medieval Ireland.

Ancient Sites


Ireland's spectacular ruins reveal the drama of early Irish history, while also taking you to some of the most beautiful landscapes in the country. Discover more about the Emerald Isle's many mystical sites with our guide to the top 10 ancient sites in Ireland.


Several reasons why ancient peoples of Britain and Ireland built roundhouses, part of which related to their view of the world.

One of the reasons many think of our western ancestors as barbarians is due to the lack of massive ancient architecture like we see in Greece and Italy. This is highly misleading.

The title of this video may have you intrigued and I’m sure many of you have your doubts even before watching, but there are a number of researchers that believe they have enough evidence to push forward the idea that way back in antiquity, the Ancient Egyptians settled in Ireland. With limited, but growing archaeological evidence, as well as new interpretations of ancient Irish legends, etymological studies and DNA analysis of the ancient Irish, the claims may not be as impossible as you might first imagine.

Today we will return to county Meath in Ireland to look at the Loughcrew passage tombs, also known as Loughcrew megalithic cemetery. Sliabh na Calliagh is the Irish name for the hills and it translates to “Mountain of the Witch”. The monuments at Loughcrew haven’t been dated in modern times with modern techniques. They are the oldest known unrestored Irish monuments along with those at Carrowkeel, 75 kilometers away in County Sligo.


Ancient Irish Architecture


It’s hard to isolate what exactly constitutes as “traditional” Irish architecture since archeological evidence has shown habitation of the island for over 9,000 years.