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Humans at Work: Eyes

Year 11 Senior Science

Resources in Oliver

Here are some books that you may find useful during your studies.  Search the Bennies catalogue Oliver for more, or browse the Non-fiction collection NFS.

Workplace Standards for Safety Eyeware


Work Related Eye Injuries in Australia


We depend on our eyes more than any other sense, however many of us take this precious gift for granted. Without them, we could not experience a beautiful sunset, see the faces of our loved ones, or view the natural marvels of the world. We rely on our eyesight for so much, but most people have only a vague idea of how our eyes work. There are actually many different parts of the eye working together to form a unique self-sustaining system. Though smaller than a ping-pong ball, the eye allows us to see, while cleaning, moisturizing and disinfecting itself at the same time.

Structure and Function of the Eye

Vision Australia- Twitter Feed

Useful Links

Eye Safety at Work The risk of workplace eye injuries is reduced if proper prevention measures are followed. Pay attention to your working environment and always wear eye protection every time you are required to do high-risk work.

Safety and Eye Health in the Workplace This publication provides basic information that will help workers assess risks to eye health, manage eye health in the workplace and deal with safety issues.