Here are some books that you may find useful during your studies. Search the Bennies catalogue Accessit for more, or browse the Non-fiction collection NFS..
The Arab-Israeli Conflict Myths and Facts
The question of Palestine and the United Nations This United Nations site provides an overview of the history of the Arab-Israeli conflict, resolutions, news, meetings and decisions.
Middle East historical and peace process source documents. This site contains history and documents related to the Middle East and the Palestine-Israel conflict. Peace Process documents are available and there is a link to a summary of the history of the Arab-Israeli conflict from Time.
Global Conflict Map This global conflict map identifies current political and military conflict situations around the world. Click on a location to view details of the conflict situation. Suitable for an interactive whiteboard.
Arab-Israeli Conflict The first of a six part series examining the first 50 years of the state of Israel. This episode looks at the major waves of immirgration from the early of the state and the economic, social and political development of the country. As well as dealing with the process of nation building, of creating a national culture, it probes the special dilemma of Israel's Arab minority.