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Water in the World: Mozambique

Year 7 Geography

World Book Student

Log into World Book Student through Firefly- Select World Book Student and type in your search Mozambique.

Here you will find useful information about the capital city, population, major landforms, rivers in the country, water usage, climate statistics etc.   

Located on Africa’s southeastern coast, the Republic of Mozambique is a former Portuguese colony that gained independence in 1975

Google Earth

Water Aid

On the shores of the Indian Ocean, tropical Mozambique is home to 28 million people from a variety of ethnic and ancestral groups.

Future Directions International

South-western Mozambique is on the brink of a water crisis. Due to the El Niño phenomenon, Mozambique has recently experienced higher than average temperatures and decreased levels of rainfall.

World Vision

Before El Nino, families get water from small streams or river but when the drought has dried up most of the water source, residents have to dig holes randomly in order to get water.


Since 2009, more than 18,00 Mozambicans have gained access to clean, safe, drinking water.

Water for African Cities Programme facilitates the adoption of measures to ensure access to environmentally sound water and sanitation service provision to the un-served, as well as improved access for underserved populations of the target cities. Through demonstration projects and capacity building interventions carried out in collaboration with national partners, regional and international financial institutions, the programme supports water supply and sanitation utilities, local governments, NGOs and communities to leverage resources for scaling up and replication at the country level.

Across Southern Africa, many countries are experiencing the adverse effects of El Nino-related drought. Mozambique is one of the hardest hit countries, with an estimated 1.5 million people affected. Many of them, like 11-year-old Francisco, are just children, who travel long distances just to get water...


charity : water

Mozambique underwent a civil war that led to extreme poverty and severely unhealthy living conditions. In addition, floods and earthquakes exacerbate the growing water crisis. 

Geography Journals