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Mount St Benedict College Library: Historical Fiction

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What is Historical Fiction?

The genre of historical fiction in the field of children’s literature includes stories that are written to portray a time period or convey information about a specific time period or an historical event. Usually the event or time period is about 30 years in the past. 

In historical fiction, setting is the most important literary element. Because the author is writing about a particular time in history, the information about the time period must be accurate, authentic, or both.

To create accurate and authentic settings in their books, authors must research the time period thoroughly. They must know how people lived, what they ate, what kinds of homes they had, and what artifacts were a common part of their lives. Historical fiction books—whether they are picture books, transitional books, or novels—may have characters who are either imaginary or who actually lived during the time period. Settings also may be real or imaginary.

The plot events may be documented historical events or they may be fictional. If they are fictional, it means that the author created the events for the telling of the story. The fictional characters, settings, and plot events must be portrayed authentically as if they actually could have happened. 

Literature Circle Questions to Consider

1. What is the most interesting thing you know about the main character of your book?

2. Think about a setting in your book. If you were in the setting, what are some things you might see?

3. Describe an important event from your book and tell why it is important.

4. Who is your favourite character in your book? Why is this character your favorite?

5. What do you think happened just before your story started?

6. If you could give the main character in your book some advice, what would you tell him or her?

7. Is your book more funny or more serious? Why do you think so?

8. What point of view is your book written in? How do you know?

9. Do you like the main character of your book? Why or why not?

10. Think of an important event in your book. How would the story have changed if this event had not happened?

11. If you were in the story, what would your relationship be to the main character?

12. List three facts about this book. Then, list three opinions about it.

13. If you could ask the main character of this book three questions, what would you ask?

14. Think about your book. Then finish this sentence in 3 different ways: I wonder….

15. Thinks of a new title for you your book. Why do you think this is a good title?

16. Do you think this book was well written? Why or why not?

17. In what ways would this book be different if it were set in the future?

18. What is the main conflict that the main character in your book must face?

19. What are some important relationships in your book?

20. Think about a supporting character in your book. How would the book be different if that character did not exist?


Historical Fiction

Historical Fiction

Historical Fiction

Historical Fiction

Historical Fiction

Historical Fiction

Historical Fiction

Historical Fiction

Historical Fiction

Historical Fiction

Historical Fiction

Historical Fiction

Historical Fiction

Historical Fiction

Historical Fiction

Historical Fiction

Historical Fiction

Historical Fiction

Historical Fiction

Historical Fiction

Historical Fiction

Historical Fiction