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Mount St Benedict College Library: Library Services

Welcome to the Mount St Benedict Library

Computer Charging

Computer chargers are available in the Library for student use. The charging cabinets are next to the Library printer. Computers may be charged at any time for a minimum half hour period.

Photocopying and Printing

Photocopying and printing (both colour and black and white) are accessible in the Library. All printing costs will be charged to your school account. If you require extra money on your print account, please see Mr Kirby, Mrs Nockles or Mrs Seymour for further assistance. 

Research Support

If you require help in the following areas, see Mrs Shiels for assistance

1. Assignment-specific library resources

2. Searching Accessit - the Online Library Catalog

3. Accessing E-Book  Resources

4. In-text Referencing and Bibliographies

5. Searching the Online Databases

6. Website evaluation

7. Effectively searching the Internet

Book Suggestions

Please let us know if you have any suggestions for the Library by speaking to Mrs Shiels or writing them in the suggestion book located at the Help Desk.


Displays around the Library will often correspond to current assessment tasks. These books are are available for loan unless specified by your teacher.